Rafer Weigel | Learn How to Set Up Your Media Room and Create a Press Room
Positive media attention is like the Holy Grail for most businesses and organizations—often spoken about but seldom experienced. It is impossible to deny the allure of free publicity to regional or even national audiences. But getting that exposure might be quite challenging. Because of this, you need to be prepared to reel in the media when they do read your press release or simply stop by your website. Your press room can help with that. Rafer Weigel says that A press room is more than just a repository for news releases from your company. A good press room contains a comprehensive collection of resources to help journalists with whatever story they may be investigating. Additionally, even if it doesn't turn out to have the precise information the reporter is seeking, a well-stocked press room demonstrates your willingness to assist. This frequently determines whether a journalist picks up the phone and calls or moves on to another, more useful source. What therefore constitutes...